Christ Lutheran Church


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Church News

CLC Coronavirus Closure

Posted on

March 13, 2020

Christ Lutheran Church family,

After much prayer, thought, and consultation, our church leadership has decided to temporarily suspend Sunday morning worship services, beginning on Sunday March 15, 2020. For some, this might seem like an over-reaction, but in times like these, we not only need to be mindful of our own safety, but so too, the safety of our wider community. The leadership of CLC are taking COVID-19 recommendations very seriously and will be making decisions on a weekly basis as to whether or not services, meetings, and access to the church from outside groups will be held.

Starting today March 13, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. the church will be closed, all meetings will be held online, and all activities scheduled to take place within the church throughout the week will be suspended until further notice. Additionally, the Christ Lutheran Church Preschool will suspend its programs to coincide with the Zionsville Community Schools. The physical church office will officially close at 1:00 p.m. on Friday March 13, 2020, with staff working remotely and available for contact through email. Pastor Wes can be contacted through the office phone number or email.

Gathering together as the body of Christ is an important element of our faith, yet given the circumstances there are still ways for us to remain connected. In lieu of a physical service, there will be a time of worship via Facebook Live. If you haven’t already subscribed to the Church Facebook page, please do so. When the service goes live you will receive a notification. Simply click on the notification and you’ll tune in. Service will begin at 10:30 a.m. on March 15th.

If you typically support our mission by making contributions during the Sunday service, please consider mailing your weekly contribution.  These are challenging times for all of us and your financial as well as prayerful support continue to be needed. 

We hope to reopen the church for our large gatherings by Palm Sunday or Easter, but we will continue to wait and monitor the situation as it unfolds, and we pray for not only understanding but patience as we navigate these uncharted waters. But again, in the midst of uncertainty, we are called to lift our heads to the one who grants eternal life, and to know that come what may, our lives are held in the gracious arms of our creator. Live in love. Share peace. Stay healthy.

In Christ,

Pastor Wesley Smith III 
