Christ Lutheran Church


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Church News

New Camera Views for Facebook Live Worship

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Thanks to the Center for Congregations grant and donations from our members, we have new a camera in the sanctuary to improve your online worship experience! In case you were missing seeing Pastor's face, these new camera views, offer a more "in-person" feel. See you on Sunday!

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OWLs Assemble Baby Care Kits

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OWLs gathered supplies to assemble 45 Baby Kits for the Caring Center in Lebanon. Each kit had diapers for either newborn or size 1, powdered formula, rice cereal, head-to-toe shampoo/body wash, baby wipes, diaper cream, and a card with a Baby Blessing. There was money left to purchase...

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Day of Service Report

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Christ Church members were busy on our Day of Service!  We delivered 96 greeting cards to Zionsville Meadows, for both residents and caregivers.  We donated 68 hand made fabric masks to Sew & Serve Indy.  Six strong workers helped with outdoor clean-up at the LCFS campus...

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