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Church News

2021 Stewardship Drive Temple Talk, Glenn Tuffnell

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This past Sunday, we heard a Temple Talk from Glenn Tuffnell about what CLC means to him. If you missed it during worship, you can read his summary notes below.

  • “Doing What Love Requires” - the stewardship campaign theme. From Micah 6:8, The Lord tells Micah: “Act justly, love mercy, walk humbly with God.”
  • In other words, act ethically, morally, stay close to  God.
  • I’m reminded of when the Pharisee asked Jesus, “What’s the most important commandment?” Jesus: “1. Love God big time. 1a. Love your neighbor.” That’s two parts to the most important commandment.
  • What is CLC Zionsville? A congregation of Christian believers with the guiding slogan “Servants, proclaiming, reflecting, celebrating Christ”.
  • What CLC Zionsville does for me: 1. An opportunity to love God with a rich mix of worship elements - music, readings, prayer, sermons, study, and more, and 2. provides many opportunities to love our neighbors, both within the congregation and externally - fellowship, small groups, Bible study, community outreach, prayer group, various kinds of financial support, charitable contributions, etc…
  • Today’s sermon theme: Do justice, love kindness - akin to loving your neighbor, ie, loving God.
  • All of us have times of doubt, faith-testing times, uncertainty. Thomas couldn’t believe Jesus had risen. He needed God’s faithfulness, and he got it. He got to see, hear, and actually touch the risen Jesus. 
  • We all need God’s faithfulness. We all need to rely on God. Think of a time when you had doubts and God ultimately provided. One example: CLCZ at the start of the Covid pandemic, an uncertain time. How do we worship? How many can come? Music? Choir? God provided resources and caring people to produce meaningful, uplifting, online services.
  • My personal connection to this at CLCZ: an important opportunity to love God - 1. The worship service with uplifting spiritual fullness, and 2. various opportunities to love my neighbor. That’s valuable to me.
  • We’re now entering Stewardship Campaign for 2021—2022. Ask yourself, ‘What’s this wonderful opportunity for me at CLCZ worth?” I think it merits your prayerful consideration of a generous pledge for the 21-22 stewardship campaign to keep CLCZ a healthy, growing, spiritual church, showing love to God.
