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Church News

COVID-19 Update 4-1-20

Posted on

April 1, 2020 

Christ Lutheran Church Family,

The past few weeks have certainly brought a change to life as we’ve known it. Gatherings have dwindled, roads have quieted, and the face-to-face connections that we both crave and long for have lessened due to the anxiety, threat, and caution surrounding COVID-19. Yet, with this I am continually reminded of Proverbs 3:5 - Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. As we traverse these times, we are called to not only place our trust in our creator, but to also be mindful of the earthly kingdom, and to lean on the understanding of experts.

In keeping with Proverbs 3:5, the Governance Board met Sunday evening and decided, that given the consideration of the Bishop, Governor, CDC, and the federal government, that Christ Lutheran Church will continue the suspension of activities through at least Sunday May 3rd. I am hopeful that we will be able to worship together soon thereafter, however this is a fluid situation. As May 3rd approaches the Governance Board will meet virtually to discuss next steps. In the meantime, and for as painful as it is to say, I am asking, and trust that only healthy staff members come and go from the church so as to ensure our church building is COVID-19 free.

This is indeed a wilderness time, and an uncharted one at that, but there is joy to be found. We, along with Christians around the world are communicating the Good News of Jesus Christ in unprecedented way, and as a result the Gospel has burst forth and is reaching far beyond the walls of our church. Beyond this, I have seen our very own members grow closer, and adapt to the changing world; a timely reminder that while change is scary our Lord walks with us every step of the way.

Now, it may not be all joy as our continued closure will mean that Easter will seem abnormal this year. Easter morning will dawn, and our Savior will rise, but the communal celebration of our Lord’s resurrection will occur in a virtual space. However, we will still sing alleluias together, our Lord still greats us with a word of peace, and the light that shines in the darkness will overcome the grave.   

For as Saint Paul said  – “I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present, nor any powers, neither height, nor depth (and to that I would add) or even virtual worship will be able to separate us from [one another or] the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

In Christ,

Pastor Wesley Smith III
