Christ Lutheran Church


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Church News

Changes to Communion

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On November 28 Christ Lutheran will joyfully resume its Pre Covid-19 communion practices with a few changes. There will be two options for communion. Folks are invited to either come forward to receive the bread and wine/juice, or for those who would like to continue the practice of having pre-packaged communion kits, wine, juice, and gluten-free kits will be available in the narthex/lobby.

 When it comes time for communion, Pastor Wes will sanitize his hands and wear a mask. Those who would like to receive communion will be invited to come forward by instruction of the ushers. Those who come forward will first receive the bread from Pastor, and then they will receive a  communion cup with either wine or juice. If you have a gluten allergy, please let Pastor Wes know, and a gluten-free wafer will be provided. Once you’ve taken the wine/juice you will be invited to discard the empty cup in a bin. Hand sanitizer will be made available.

At this time, we will not commune with the common cup. If you prefer to use a communion kit you are still invited to come forward however if you prefer to stay at your seat that is fine, too. As we settle into this new normal, Pastor Wes, the altar guild, and our communion assistants ask for your patience and prayer. 
