Who We Are


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Who We Are

Christ Lutheran Church is a member congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), dedicated to proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Zionsville community.  Christ Lutheran Church confesses the Christian Faith as reflected in the creeds and confessions of the Lutheran Church. Read more here

We provide a variety of worship styles, and a diversity of ministries, to serve all people, whatever their situation in life. We strive to be a place where you can receive the blessings of God in Jesus Christ! We invite you to consider making Christ Lutheran Church your church home.

Welcome to Christ Lutheran Church!

Mr. Rogers once asked, "Won't you be my neighbor"? Jesus asked, “Who is your neighbor"? At Christ Lutheran Church (CLC) - Zionsville, our answer to Jesus’ question is EVERYONE, and to Mr. Rogers - YES. 

God calls us to meet people wherever they are in their journey of faith – and that includes YOU! 

At Christ Lutheran Church you are welcomed, just as you are: 

  • Single, committed, married, divorced, lost your partner, still looking or not.
  • Every race, nationality, gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation
  • Ready to join a group or prefer to sit back
  • Regardless of knowing a little or a lot about Jesus
  • Whether you have left the Church and are returning 
  • Whether you find yourself on this list or not

We are calling YOU neighbor!  Join us!

Our Mission

Our mission is to live as God's servants in the world as we proclaim, reflect, and celebrate the love and grace of Jesus Christ. With God's help:

  • We will joyfully proclaim the Gospel.
  • We will encourage one another.
  • We will work together in confidence, bearing with each other and forgiving each other as the Lord forgives us.>
  • We will serve the needs of others.
  • We will grow as a community of caring Christians.

Worship Services

At Christ Lutheran Church we follow the liturgical calendar as a way to enrich our worship and our spiritual life together. In each season of the liturgical calendar, we focus on different aspects of Jesus' life and ministry. Moving from season to season, the liturgical calendar highlights themes that we might otherwise miss.

We decorate our sanctuary according to each liturgical season. Colors, symbols, banners, and art are like a Gospel for our eyes, in concert with the Gospel we hear with our ears. This multi-sensory approach to worship helps to center our thoughts and feelings as we give worship to God.

At Christ Lutheran Church, our worship celebrates the sacred story of God's mighty acts through history. This culminates in our salvation through the gift and sacrifice of Christ Jesus. During worship, we:

  • Proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the reading of Scripture, singing of music, participation in the liturgy, lively preaching and celebration of the Sacraments (Baptism and Holy Communion).
  • Employ a variety of worship styles and liturgies.
  • Use the Common Lectionary and Seasons of the Church year to guide our worship.
  • Involve all ages in the leading of worship under the direction of the Pastor.
  • Value vocal and instrumental music in a variety of styles and forms suited to the message of the service.

Children In Our Worship

Children hold a special place in our congregation! We warmly invite children of all ages to join us in worship. We embrace their natural tendencies to giggle, poke, squirm, and swing their legs - it's all part of being a child and a precious gift to our community.

Our nursery is available from 10:30 to 11:30, staffed by dedicated caregivers who will lovingly care for infants and toddlers. This allows parents to fully engage in worship, knowing their little ones are in safe hands. The nursery provides age-appropriate toys and a comforting environment, ensuring your child's needs are met while you worship with the congregation.

We respect and support each family's unique circumstances and preferences. Whether your child joins the main worship service or utilizes our nursery, we are here to accommodate and make everyone feel welcome and comfortable.

Services and Ministries

Christ Lutheran Church ministers to its members and friends, and supports local ministries, including Zionsville Area Ministerial Association (ZAMA), Zionsville Meadows, Lutheran Child and Family Services (LCFS), The Caring Center, Love, INC, Habitat for Humanity of Boone County, and Indiana Blood Center.

Christ Lutheran Church is also home to our Preschool, a full preschool program during the school year and a summer camp, Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS), and several community groups.